How ready are you to teach online?
Score: {{ score }}
You are ideal for the online environment, having both the skills and the interest to succeed. This course will help you think through ways to implement your vision for your online class.
Your skills and interests make it likely that you could be successful teaching an online course. You may want to consult with a more experienced instructor on strategies (which you will also find in this course) and explore the resources of the Canvas Guides and Canvas Community by clicking the Help icon at the bottom left of any page.
Online classes may not be a perfect match for your current interests and skills. If you are committed to building and/or teaching an online class, please consider working with a more experienced colleague and taking advantage of the information and support in the Canvas Guides and Canvas Community by clicking the Help icon at the bottom left of any page. This course can help you begin to imagine what you could do with an online course in the future.