Learning Outcome Generator
What knowledge, skills, or attitudes do you want your students to learn and be able to display?
Examples include:
What taxonomy do you want to use to develop your outcome?
At what level do you want them to learn ?
What dimension do you want to use to create an outcome for ?
You may want outcomes using more than one dimension for a given item but please choose the primary dimension for this outcome.
How do you want them to ?
Remembering includes recalling or recognizing facts, definitions, and other previously learned information
Understanding includes constructing meaning from materials and experiences
Applying includes applying general principles, methods, or concepts to specific procedures in different situations
Analyzing includes breaking material or concepts into parts to determine how they relate to one another and the overall structure
Evaluating includes making judgments based on criteria and standards (Critical Thinking)
Creating includes putting elements together to form a coherent, functional whole (Creative Thinking)
Foundational Knowledge includes understanding and remembering information and ideas
Application includes
Integration includes connecting
The Human Dimension includes learning about oneself and others
Caring includes developing or strengthening
Learning to Learn includes
Choose one below
or type in your own "" verb below
What will the student do to show you that they can ?
HINT: It helps if you start with an "ing" verb
You have generated the following learning outcome:
The students will by .
Is it observable and measurable?